Digital Etiquette

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Digital Etiquette
A group of girls in our local middle school got into a social media scenario where parents, administrators and law inforcement were eventually called in.  It started with 2 girls texting their "private" negative thoughts about other girls. Those were shared (big surprise!) The gossip chain led to lies, a physical scuffle in the hallway and more threats coming in over text. One parent changed their daughter's phone number. Administrators eventually moved a few girls girls into different areas of the building to different classes to try to diffuse the situation. Apparently the drama and attention are irresistible to some girls as one of them shared the whole sorted story with their new classmates. Lather, rinse, repeat!
 I am aware that these girls had been "educated" on social media issues, dangers of sharing your personal feelings over text and snap chat and related topics. They had face to face meetings and were warned of consequences, but none of those things seemed to help. With a phone in the hand of every teen, the gossip, drama and stress goes on 24/7 for many. Mental health issues are soon to be the new pandemic!