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Digital Etiquette

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Digital Etiquette

A close friend of mine became the target of inappropriate digital media use when a group of people started altering her photos. They thought it was funny, but the changes really upset my friend. They shared these altered images and even tagged her without her permission. At first, she wasn't sure how to react but later expressed to me how bad it made her feel. She avoided social media for a long time after that. I should have supported my friend sooner and helped shut it down.
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Re: Digital Etiquette

Sorry to hear about your friend. It though to know how to respond in situations like that. I too have been a target of my photos being altered. It happened quite a few years ago while I was still in high school. I hadn't thought much of it but someone reached out to me and encouraged me to put an end to it before it got out of hand. That was before I had a grasp on the effects it could have on me if those photos ever resurfaced.