Digital World Rights/ Responsibilities

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Digital World Rights/ Responsibilities
What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world? What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?

I see the digital world as a privilege, not a right. Being a parent myself, I am terrified about what my children will see or experience, even with me keeping a close eye on their devices.  I believe things said digitally should be things that would be said in a real life, person to person, conversation, instead of hiding behind a computer. I do think the digital world is taking over, which may show the suffering of social skills for children.

Brook Kaufman
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Re: Digital World Rights/ Responsibilities

I think that the responsibilities and rights in the digital world should be the same as we have in other forms of media, such as television and print. Information on Social Media needs to true and accurate. If a person posts false or misleading information they should be held accountable and appropriate action should be taken to prevent this from occurring. Social media platforms like Facebook, Tik Tok, and Twitter should not allow its users to share content that is not allowed in other types of media. The government needs to regulate and pass laws to prevent people from using social media to break laws, promote racism, and to spread false information. JoAnn Steffen
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Re: Digital World Rights/ Responsibilities

I respectfully disagree with your statements "The government needs to regulate and pass laws to prevent people from using social media to break laws, promote racism, and to spread false information." I think it is a very slippery slope when you are asking the government to step in, in monitoring or regulating anything. This needs to be done very carefully and methodically, not rushed into. Yes, people need to be held accountable for what they say and do in the digital world-just like they are in the physical. However, we need to be aware and cognizant of people's right to express themselves-even if we disagree with what or how they are doing it. There are other consequences and accountability that can and is done, just as in the physical, without asking/giving any one body more power or control that can and will be misused. Then there is another whole argument about who gets to decide if something is true or accurate? We have so many perspectives on issues and events in our world. We are likely to get ourselves in a bad situation when we start thinking- only one perspective or thoughts on any issue is the only true information. I don't have the answers, just saying this is still a new world with new issues and we need to be careful in how we handle these new issues.
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Re: Digital World Rights/ Responsibilities

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As a parent, I cannot bring myself to let my kids have access to unmonitored devices. I watch my students misuse phones/access to the internet all the time. It is terrifying what can come of them accessing the wrong site or the wrong person connecting with them pretending to be someone else. I'm not sure when my kids will get their own phones, but until then I continue to talk to them about the real dangers about phones/internet and talk about actual scenarios I know local kids/friends getting into.