Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

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Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

I found the videos and articles about Visual Thinking Strategies very interesting. I was so amazing at the conversations the students were having with one another. I was also amazed by the critical thinking skills the students were using. One that stood out to me was the student saying "I think they are in a cemetery." It was so clear that this student had some background information and could connect to an experience he had in a cemetery. He was able to make his claim and back it up with the evidence that he thought their faces looked sad and their eyes looked like they had been crying. What amazing evidence coming from a young student.

http://teachers.mam.org/collection/teaching-with-art/visual-thinking-strategies-vts/ I found this website interesting and a good overview of how to use visual thinking strategies in the classroom. It gave a nice clear definition of VTS and then an idea of how to use it and run a lesson in the classroom. It is very helpful for a teacher just starting to use VTS as it gives the words and the conversations the teacher should have with the students. It gave a great reminder of linking together what the students are saying. Help them to develop those skills of comparing and contrasting their ideas with one another. A teacher could easily expand this and have students to a writing based on their own thinking and compare it to the thinking of another student in the class.
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Re: Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

I agree, this article is a great resource for those being to implement VTS in their classroom. It explains the language to use and how to run a lessons.  It a good guide of how this strategy is a benefit to the learning of students.  
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Re: Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

In reply to this post by libby
I agree, young students already have a special mind of their own but when they really dig deep into their own thinking and change their perspectives, we could learn a little something from them! To have photos bring out different ideas to young minds can be very powerful.
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Re: Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

In reply to this post by robtranm
I like your idea of the students writing about their thinking and comparing it with another student's ideas. What a great way to include writing as well as partner collaboration in the classroom!
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Re: Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

In reply to this post by libby
I also thought this website was a great way to start teaching using VTS. I really appreciated how they gave specific phrases to use to help you practice using open ended questioning strategies. It also helps students gain experience in having an open dialogue with one another.
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Re: Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

In reply to this post by libby
I was impressed with the students discussion as well. They appeared so productive and purposeful. Many of the misbehaviors in class happen because students have no purpose or feel connected. The students in the video had a defined purpose and had appropriate modeling to handle this task. it was truly impressive and what I wish to see in my own classroom this year.
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Re: Elizabeth Wagner Forum Post 4

In reply to this post by robtranm
I was intrigued by the conversations between the students as well. It was a nice reminder that when we allow them to engage and encourage discussion between them, they have amazing perspectives, and the ability to draw from each other's experience and perspective adds to the peer to peer connection in the learning experience.