Esther Mwelwa

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Esther Mwelwa

Esther Mwelwa
Name: Esther Mwelwa
Grades: 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
Title of the lesson: La révolution française(18th century)" French Culture"

*Objectives: Students will be able to:

- Observe the picture provided by the teacher
- Identify 3 french estates
- Define the 3 Estates
- Write a paragraph on what students understand in using the image given

*Standards( Cedar Rapids CSD World Language Standards):

Standard 4: Culture- Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices, products and perspectives of the cultures studied in the target language when appropriate.
Standard 5: 21st Century Skills- Students demonstrate abilities in areas such as critical thinking,real world application, collaboration, productivity.

- Critical Thinking & Reasoning
- World History's knowledge on French revolution
- Identify the different estates of France in 18th Century from the picture

* Materials:

Chromebook or paper and pen

* Lesson: Overview:

1. Warm up:
2. In which subject have you learnt about France?
3. What is revolution?
4. What is La revolution francaise?
5. How many social classes were there?
6. How do call those classes?
7. Show the image to the students


8. What do you see?
9. Students will share what they see
10. What represents every person in the image
11. Help students to dig deep in the image
12. What represent the hoe, animals?
13. Who are those three people?

Questions will flow accordingly.

14. I will let students write about what they know on the image.
15.At the end, students will be in a group of 3 and will share their writing.
I will conclude the lesson in asking them to compare the French Revolution societies  with the actual American Society.

I will emphasize on the pronunciation of La révolution française.