Evolution and Natural Selection Test Reflection

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Evolution and Natural Selection Test Reflection

Molly Fox
Well, this was definitely the hardest test for me so far.  I got 10/20.  I knew it was going to be bad once I was a few questions into it, I wasn't confident at all.  Most of the questions were very long and I had to reread them several times to even try to understand what it was asking.  The answer choices were long as well, and I had to read closely to even figure out what was different between some answer choices.  

I do not remember learning very much about evolution in school.  I do remember learning about natural selection.  In 3rd grade, students learn about selection and a natural selection but we do not cover evolution as far as how plants and animals share a common ancestor- which I actually never even knew before this test!

This test (like the others) would not accurately measure what students know and do not know about evolution and natural selection.