Evolution and Natural Selection

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Evolution and Natural Selection

As this was a little longer of an assessment with some very similar questions throughout it I found myself questions whether the answers I previously answered were correct.  Going back over the answers after completing the assessment I noticed that there was 3 questions in sequence, I got the first two incorrect and then got the 3rd correct and I wish I would have taking the advice I give me students and go back and look at them again before correcting it.  I agree with another post, that the questions were overly wordy and would be difficult for elementary aged students to comprehend.
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

I really struggled with this assessment as well. I agree it would not be an assessment I would assign to elementary students, but overall did cause me to really think and apply content knowledge. There are so many "rules" and variables at play with natural selection that it does make it difficult to think and does this rule apply to this concept or not? I kept having the background color game in my head while taking this assessment as well. In thinking would this trait benefit or decrease a population as well. Overall, I know that I have a lot more to learn!
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by fisherrich
This is a great website, I learned a lot.  kadashika