Evolution and Natural Selection

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Evolution and Natural Selection

Teacher 3

I did very well on this assessment, including the answers I didn't agree with. I've studied this quite a bit. I teach at a Christian (Lutheran) school, so my beliefs do influence what I teach. Teachers at Trinity do teach about "The Big Bang", evolution, and natural selection so that our students are aware of what they are. But we also teach what creation and what God says in His Word.They are all theories with science to back them up. A lot of it is how it is interpreted and which theory you are trying to prove. What I will do to help the students is give them a variety of sources that shows all aspects of this topic.
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

I appreciate your confidence in this subject area as I know it is something I am lacking. I do enjoy hearing that you teach this hand and hand with your own personal beliefs as I feel it's important for students to hear from all perspectives and angles. Thank you for your post.
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

Molly Fox
In reply to this post by Teacher 3
I really appreciated reading your reflection!  During the assessment I kept thinking "I don't remember learning about this in school" and also "a lot of the content/ answers don't match what I believe in."  So, I think my beliefs got in the way of getting many of the questions correct.  I love that you expose students to many theories.
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by Teacher 3
I think the students are interested in this concept.  Students love fossils and and looking at what organisms used to look like.  Looking at models, watching videos, posting questions and having students discuss their thoughts and reasonings as a whole group.  
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by Teacher 3
I appreciate your article.
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by Teacher 3
I was not as confident in my answers as you were in yours. I teach at a Catholic school so I understand your point of view.