Evolution and Natural Selection

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Evolution and Natural Selection

From this assessment, I learned that I need to spend a lot more time learning this content! I find it difficult to think and apply all the possible variables in order to determine if it would cause a population to go extinct or would they have enough to adapt. Some traits might have enough variance in them for a population to bounce back from while others would cause a bigger detriment. I do know that when it comes to natural selection and evolution I do not have a very firm content knowledge or background. Thinking back, I can't remember in my education learning much about this topic. I think my students would benefit a lot more from online, book, or other resources pertaining to this topic since it's so complex. It's also one of those topics that gets tricky to navigate and discuss with students depending on personal beliefs. I'm not sure how comfortable I would be delivering this content knowing how tricky it is to navigate. I think it would be very important for me to have a teaching tool to go off of for this subject for those reasons.
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

Molly Fox
I agree!  This was a tricky assessment for me as well.  I am not confident in this at all.  I don't recall learning about evolution in school- maybe it was not allowed?  I have no idea.  I do feel more confident in natural selection since it is something we teach in 3rd grade but I still don't feel that great about it!
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by taryn.kromminga@gmail.com
I agree with you about this concept being complex.  Having the students view videos, read short articles, use, look at, and build models that represent evolution.  I agree about not remembering this in school.  I remember teachers saying in MS and HS, "I am not teaching about evolution.  I remember asking my parents about it and they would just say that God made the Earth and everything in it.  
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by taryn.kromminga@gmail.com
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by taryn.kromminga@gmail.com
I agree with your point of view.
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Re: Evolution and Natural Selection

In reply to this post by taryn.kromminga@gmail.com
I agree with your post. I didn't do very well either. A teacher tool would be very beneficial.