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Shelley Stallons
What speaks to you? I loved the videos. One thing that I enjoyed was that on one video the comment was made that kids use their eyes to make sense of the world, but school seldom takes advantage of this. In music, they use their ears to make sense of what is happening within pieces of music within their part, but that statement will help me to revolutionize how I teach some aspects of my classes. I also liked the art standards explanation video, and how art in the class needs to be paired with a standard. Does it give you any ideas? It gives me many ideas for using more visual materials to teach both band and general music classes - whether it's visual art or paintings or pieces of artwork. How do you integrate art into your current class? Several ways - in elementary music, we have several units that all come with coloring packets, so while they are listening to the music they color the appropriate page in their packet. We do Carnival of the Animals, Peter and the Wolf, and Seussical the Musical to name a few. The students really enjoy it and they get so much more out of the music and the storylines by doing this. In jr high music, we do Just Dance from youtube, which helps them visualize movement while finding the beat - they love it and it really helps them break down walls with each other and just have fun learning. Other reactions? I really enjoyed all of the material. It was insightful and helpful to my work as an educator,