As the HS Assistant Principal, and also as the AD, I was able to follow our groups/teams' Facebook pages. It is a great way to celebrate success and moments in students' lives. I know that some of our coaches use a private Facebook page to communicate with their students. However, I will say that most students prefer Twitter for their communication with adults currently.
However, our adult groups are using Facebook much more regularly. Both of our booster clubs have a Facebook page and our alumni association. This seems to be one of the best ways for them to communicate with other adults of all ages.
I have also noticed an increased number of events/invites being managed through Facebook. Many of this year's graduates sent me invites through Facebook.
I follow the CASEL as one of my roles is to lead the SEL in our building. They have a tremendous amount of material and information for educators.
I recently followed Principal Principles Leadership Group. I'm not sure yet how advantageous this will be, but it's an opportunity to connect with others in my role.