Facebook Privacy Settings: EEK! I'm lost and I can't get out!

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Facebook Privacy Settings: EEK! I'm lost and I can't get out!

Julianne Derouin
One of my frustrations is that the desktop sign in on Facebook has things organized differently than the mobile Facebook app. The second frustration is that they keep updating, changing, and adapting their privacy policies/settings. I'm lucky if i can keep up with the daily announcements from all three schools that my kids attend, let alone keep track of all the privacy settings on various apps on my children's phones (and don't get me started on all the apple updates that I have to keep up with).  This is one of the reasons that I restrict (hopefully not being done behind my back!) social media platforms for my kids until junior/senior year of high school. I just don't need the extra aggravation and security risk of my children's safety. You didn't get the latest Twitter update about the party on Tuesday? Too bad. Oh well.  

What's aggravating about the privacy settings on social media is that they aren't all conveniently organized in one area. For instance, the location service on photos and posts in Facebook to me is one of the most important privacy issues to turn off and yet, it's not located under "privacy settings".

The second problem is who knew that Facebook was even tracking the location and time of people's photos and posts? How do you effectively protect yourself against something when you don't even know something like that even exists? What is the next thing lurking away in Facebook settings that we don't know puts our kids at risk?
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Re: Facebook Privacy Settings: EEK! I'm lost and I can't get out!

Ginger Chatfield
I share your feelings on FB (mobile vs desktop).  I have changed settings in the past, only to have to switch them back if I want a certain group or audience to see my posts (such as when I sell items on some "for sale" sites.  I wish there were a check list that I could go through to maximize safety while still being able to use FB to connect.