Facebook Safety Settings

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Facebook Safety Settings

Luke Ames
A few years back I moved out of the region where I grew up and lived for the first 37 years of my life.  Faceboook was initially a way to keep regular contact with family and friends.  When I moved away, I added former students and have kept track of so very many people in my international teaching travels.  In this time, Facebook has had various little options added here and there for what is now called "safety Settings".  When they used to add something major, other settings you had in place would sometimes do strange things and people I had restricted would not be anymore or my profile would become wide open to whomever wished to see it.  After checking my settings, they are currently to my liking, but it would probably be quite easy for someone if they really wished to gain some personal information about me though I hope not enough to be on target for any realistic shot of stealing my identity.  I am still occasionally surprised about pics that friends put up involving certificates they earned-be it a University degree, driver's license etc...  It is good that they with to share their joy and celebration, but, of course, on these pics are personal numbers and information that there is no way that they really want up there.