Facebook Settings

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Facebook Settings

Josh Lukavsky
Facebook has many privacy settings.  You need to take the time and go through and set them yourself. I know I have had people I haven't met in awhile request me as a friend.  We have connected and it has been wonderful. I have had people I have no idea send request and they are not reliable people.  I hate to limit it so people can't find me, but I really like to connect with old friends.
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Re: Facebook Settings

Rhonda Welford
yes is nice to caught up with people we once knew and were lost for a while.  I recently had a class reunion and I know facebook was used to find all members of my class of 64 people.  I see handy or good things with it if people use it correctly.  I get friend request from people I don't know and find that to be concerning.  Of course I delete them