Facebook for business

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Facebook for business

Teresa Coenen
I teach a social media marketing class, and the students are working toward Facebook marketing certification. It is required that they use a Facebook account. I do not let them use their private account (if they have one). I have them create a separate account, and I only let them friend the other students in the class. If they accept friend requests outside of the class, they will be removed from the class. I also have them create a Facebook Business page, and they must keep the settings private and undiscoverable. As we progress through the curriculum, the students are introduced to business/industry partners. They are able to follow the business pages and share the business posts to their "school" account and business page. I work diligently to protect their privacy and security, while at the same time, provide them with a legitimate social media marketing experience. It is a balancing act.
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Re: Facebook for business

I like the idea of a marketing via Facebook class!!  I just created a page this summer for business, and I'm stumbling around.  The measures you are using to teach and support safety are good reminders that we all need to keep ourselves safe.