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Financial Aspirations & The Reality

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Financial Aspirations & The Reality

James Schaeffer
I can recall a conversation with one of my nephews when he was in Middle School.  In a casual conversation about what he planned to do after high school he made a number of rash remarks about where he was going to live, what kind of car he would drive, how many girlfriends he was going to have, etc.  I decided this was an ideal "teachable moment" and started putting numbers to his expectations.  Ultimately, his insistence that these things and more would indeed happen led to a good-humored fit of laughter until we turned to a new world problem to solve.

I had almost forgot about that "lesson" when in college  I originally saw this particular episode from the Cosby Show on NBC.  It was kind of a deja-vu moment for me and I still remember it every time I get into a discussion about financial challenges and unrealistic expectations.

(Go to YouTube and look for "The Cosby Show" and "The Fiscal Cliff of 1984")