Financial Literacy IN HS Sp. Ed classroom

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Financial Literacy IN HS Sp. Ed classroom

David VanGroll
I am trying to teach financial literacy in a high school special education classroom with low functioning students.  The way this is done is through trying to use videos, hands on activities and other ideas that can be brought down to the students level. We also work at slower pace what might take a typical developing students one week might take us three weeks because of the repetition and slower pace we work at.  I have found that again keeping it hands on, an into things.  Students in my classroom find a job using the newspaper, are given a salary, have to write checks, have to pay bills, we make trips to the grocery store and we are always doing things with our resources in the community.  The resources we use are all the resources they will use after graduation and when they are out on thier own.
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Andrew Mark

Excellent article. The writing style which you have used in this article is very good and it made the article of better quality.
Jacket In Drive
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Re: Financial Literacy IN HS Sp. Ed classroom

In reply to this post by David VanGroll
Integrating financial literacy into high school special education classrooms is important. We prepare students for future independence by teaching them basic money management skills. Collaborative resources, such as the college assignment help service, can help to support specific learning experiences even further.
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Re: Andrew Mark

In reply to this post by andrewmark
Thanks for the detailed explanation. Really useful and clear. Solar
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Re: Andrew Mark

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