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Financial Literacy - Mark McGaffin

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Financial Literacy - Mark McGaffin

Mark McGaffin
I teach seventh grade Contemporary Global Studies and this year we are teaching new curriculum.  Consequently one of the units is Financial Literacy so I will be teaching this content directly, which is part of the reason why I am taking this online course.  I thought it might be wise if I learned the ins and outs to financial literacy before I teach the unit in the second semester.  I know I will teaching topics like Budgeting, Banking, Cost of Living, Long-term Saving, and other related topics.  I know my students will enjoy this course and I know they will value it later in life when they get a job and have to manage their money.  I was never offered a course like this when I went to school but I have learned a lot about managing my money as I have gotten older and started planning for my future.