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Financial Literacy/Reinforcement

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Financial Literacy/Reinforcement

susan lau
I am a retired music teacher. In my classrooms students could earn coupons for certain behaviors: staying on task, following directions, classparticipation, etc.  Students could cash in their coupons on small prizes. Posted in the classroom were pictures of prizes with the required coupon purchase amount.  The students were very excited when cash day Friday came around. This reward method reinforced the benefits of receiving after giving. All students were rewarded on an individual basis. This lesson taught them the value of keeping track of money (coupons). If they were lost they were not replaced. This lesson was also tied into music lessons about the value of different types of notes.
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Re: Financial Literacy/Reinforcement

Beth Duffy
This is very interesting, giving students coupons good for prizes. It sounds like a unique form of Extra Credit. More work, more points. Might be good in teaching children to "work hard" to earn more.