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Financial Literacy-Sue Caligiuri

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Financial Literacy-Sue Caligiuri

Sue Caligiuri
I have taught 2nd grade for 15 years. I am currently a K-8 full time substitute in my school district. The opportunity to have discussions about needs and wants can occur quite frequently. It can occur simply by a student commenting on the age of my phone. For example, they may say “Don’t you want the new iphone 10?” “Well, I may want one but I don’t NEED one. My older phone works fine and I have other things like food and gas that I DO NEED to work and live.” I have conversations with them about being raised by a single mom and having to determine each month how much money we had. Money first goes to bills, food and then any extra could be used for something fun we wanted to do like a movie or ice cream shop. Sometimes we didn’t have anything remaining at the end of the month due to unexpected costs but we just started over again the next month. I really try to impress upon the kids that the things that bring us happiness are not necessarily things that cost money either.