Financial Literacy for 7th grade social studies

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Financial Literacy for 7th grade social studies

Jason Helgens
I teach 7th grade social studies and also have a son that will be going into 7th grade.  At this age level I think it is real important to start to talk about budgeting.  Students at this age need to start to grasp the idea of what they can and cannot afford as they grow older and start to get jobs and look into careers.  These are some of the topics I like to hit on at this age.  I also like to begin discussing with them the idea of debit vs. credit because more and more people seem to be getting away from check writing.  I also think needs vs. wants needs to be reinforced at this age.  This fits in well with budgeting because students will need to start to make financial decisions on what they can afford as wants and balance that out with what they actually need to live.  

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Re: Financial Literacy for 7th grade social studies

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Re: Financial Literacy for 7th grade social studies

In reply to this post by Jason Helgens
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Re: Financial Literacy for 7th grade social studies

In reply to this post by Rosabella
Great job! This post was very informative and engaging. Solar