Financial Literacy in Content Area

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Financial Literacy in Content Area

Anthony Tedesco
I am a high school special education teacher at Abraham Lincoln in Council Bluffs, and I was just moved to be teamed up with our Math department.  I am there to help kids who are in co-taught classes or still in gen ed setting but still need their IEP accommodations met.  And also I have a few classes of our smaller "pull-out" class, as we call it when we give them a smaller class that also has a slower pace and modified versions of the assignments to cover the same math curriculum for the same subject, as well as our essentials math class which is for even lower level and it's own math curriculum.  

That said, I am going to have many opportunities to cover financial literacy within the Math classes that I am teaching.  In essentials math, we will work on basic budgeting with an income and different expenditures like rent, food, utilities, and the many other expenses that one would have in a monthly budget and that will fit in with the essentials math curriculum easy.

In my pull out classes, I could work in those same activities in a quicker amount of time and also move on to other financial things to think about like taxes, both of those things I believe should be taught to kids so they understand them after they get out of high school.  I don't know the curriculum for those classes as well yet and I know we are switching from Integrated Math back to Algebra and Geometry, but I think either with the curriculum or as a slight break between units I could teach those budgeting and taxes financial literacy topics, and it would still be on the basic topic of math.