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Financial Literacy in Content Area

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Financial Literacy in Content Area

Jennifer Easton-Hutchinson
As a Special Education Teacher with a emphasis in Math, I find that the specially designed instruction I give to my Junior and Senior High students to meet their math goals lacks the important piece of financial literacy curriculum. Typically students are evaluated for computation skills or applied problem solving skills but the financial piece doesn't extend past basic spending or counting money. I find that students are meeting their math goals in these areas and dismissed from special education for math without having the financial knowledge they require to be successful in the daily skills they will require. I am hoping to add a financial component to the specially designed instruction for those students that need to understand basic banking and bill paying as well as budgeting and financial planning to be successful when they become independent of their parents.
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Re: Financial Literacy in Content Area

Frank Wilson
I was a special education teacher for 30 years and I agree with what you are saying. Counting money and computation are necessary skills, yet they need more financial literacy within their curriculum. I utilized many different types and I found one series that covered everything pretty well. I will check into it and get back to you with a title you might try.