Financial Literacy in Content Areas

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Financial Literacy in Content Areas

DeeAnn Crandall
Hello. I am not teaching at this time but I am currently a Sunday School teacher for a high school senior girl. I would start with brainstorming some questions to her about her future wants and needs pertaining to money by asking the question if you had a million dollars what would you do with it and decrease in the amount and see where it goes. I would ask if she would have a budget made for herself or not and how she would save her money or spend it on impulse. We would talk about jobs and college degrees. We would discuss what the Bible says about money and our society today, advertisements and our community in which we live. Money is what we need to use to live and survive with and how we use it will determine so many aspects of our lives. It is an important topic to instill in our children when they are very young to work hard, appreciate what you have and be thankful for what you have.