Financial Literacy in MS So.Stud.

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Financial Literacy in MS So.Stud.

Lisa Bowden
When teaching 8th grade social studies, helping the students understand how much money it will take to buy something is sometimes very difficult.  I can see the benefits of comparing/contrasting the value of money in early Revolutionary America (where colonists used schillings and pounds) vs. present day.  Even in my own life, inflation has risen dramatically.  Helping kids to understand that a dollar doesn't go as far as it used to is generally en eye opener for many.  Kids usually only live for today; they don't question the cost of something, they just blindly pay what it's priced.  I'll sometimes quote "when I was your age, a gallon of milk only cost......" (to which they then roll their eyes).  It's hard for them to fully wrap their minds around how sharply prices have risen over the years.  Hopefully with a little education they will be able to understand the value of money and compare/contrast the similarities and differences of the economies of today with that of tomorrow.