Financial Literacy in Secondary Drama

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Financial Literacy in Secondary Drama

Shane Casey
Although I don't have a classroom at the moment, I will be teaching middle school drama next fall at the American International School (AIS) - Kuwait. Since beginning this course, I've been thinking of how I might successfully implement a financial literacy lesson into the content of Drama. The SES of my students there in Kuwait will be very different from those ESL students I served at Weeks Middle School on Des Moines' south side. Therein lies the additional challenge of teaching financial responsibility to students who likely have very little concern about money. Collaboration with their math teacher was one idea; another was asking them to write a scene depicting a young person who has found themselves in trouble for abusing their parents' credit card(s), or another situation with money being the root cause of a problem. Of the different modules, I feel that a focus on credit and the inherent risk (of going into debt) is something that many people struggle with, and something I'd like to try to help them avoid once they are out on their own.