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Financial Literacy in the Classroom - Summative thoughts

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Financial Literacy in the Classroom - Summative thoughts

Greg Overlie
I found this course to be very useful and relevant to students since learning how to be financially literate is a lifelong skill.  I especially found the EverFi course helpful.  I think that should be embedded in a required financial course for secondary students.  It was a fun, easy to follow, and informative course that could help our students avoid financial pitfalls such as opening a bunch of credit cards in college or going to a payday loan place.  I teach at the elementary level so I think I can start laying the foundation for these skills.  Things such as needs and wants, planning a budget, and emphasizing other smart financial decisions are all important to teach early.  My current position is a reading teacher in an international school overseas so I can't really use these skills yet.  However, when I am back in the classroom I will definitely teach financial literacy both as a separate unit and embedded in other units.