Financial Literacy in the Classroom

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Financial Literacy in the Classroom

Tara Littler
I teach first graders, financial literacy in my classroom could be very interesting.  This past year I created a unit that was ongoing where each student had a classroom job, we created a community of workers that, at the end of the week got a "paycheck".  They then could put their pay check in the bank or go to the class store where there were things that the students "wanted" and things they "needed", for example, crayons, pencils, erasers for needs within the classroom, and small stuffed animals, markers, pens, fancy folders, etc in the wants area.  Students then had to decide what they wanted/needed or if they wanted to save for more expensive things.  That I believe is just the tip of the iceberg for first grade financial literacy.  Through this course I hope to gather more resources to get some solid instruction for the core standards.