Financial Literacy in the Classroom

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Financial Literacy in the Classroom

Beverly Nordyke
I teach high school math, so topics dealing with finances come up regularly.  I am amazed at how little some students know about how money is used in their own homes and families.  This is obviously not being sufficiently taught outside of the school and is desperately needed in all areas of our curriculum.  Teaching Consumer Math taught me as much as it did my students, and I feel the need to continuously brush up on current trends regarding Financial Literacy for my own benefit as well as my students'.
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Re: Financial Literacy in the Classroom

Kenneth Todd
I am a sub that mostly works at the middle school level. I have to make a lesson plan for this course for PD credit. I was NOT a teacher before retirement, so grade level lesson plans are something I have never done. I am considering a lesson plan for middle school students. Any suggestions?
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Re: Financial Literacy in the Classroom

Key parts of any lesson plan are:
What do you want them to learn?
Why?(connecting to the Iowa Core financial literacy goals)
How?(What activities will they do?  Be sure to include specific websites or materials you will use.)
How do you know they learned it? (How will you assess)

Write it in a way that you could walk into a classroom, read this lesson plan and teach the lesson.  It would be nice to have for those unexpected absences when teachers might not have a plan for you as the sub.