Financial Literacy in the Science Classroom

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Financial Literacy in the Science Classroom

Amanda Borchers
I have taught chemistry, biology, and physics. I have supported finanical literacy through a soap making project. Students are given the task to design a bar of soap and develop a marketing campaign for their soap. They are given a starting budget and must turn in an expense report. I hope to teach them how budgeting can be applied outside of their homes. I would like to start teaching my preschoolers about financial literacy and responsibility earning and saving money by doing chores and helping grandparents.
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Re: Financial Literacy in the Science Classroom

Ben Ajibola
Just like you mentioned,children need to know the value of money and to be able to appreciate it . Money is something that you work to make.Our kids needs to be reminded constantly . we cannot afford to be extravagant with our kids if we want them to know the value of money.