Financial Literacy needed for LIFE

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Financial Literacy needed for LIFE

David Christopherson
Some people think that they know how to budget because if they have money, they are budgeting. What they don't understand is that sometime they might want to buy something that will cost more than part of their check for one month, Like a down payment on a house or vehicle or going on a vacation.  So far their  parents are the ones saving the money for these things. Someday the student will want to grow up and move out of their parents' house and live on their own.  This will take a lot more money than they know about. What they think they can just borrow, will have a cost. They also have to think about the other costs of growing up: Insurance for vehicles, house, life, medical and more; credit reports and credit rating.
There are so many financially related concerns that students need to have basic information on before they leave home to start working or go onto college.