Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Michelle Saluk
The Everfi learning system that we had to participate in was awesome. I found myself wanting to finish the entire thing. It covered:Savings,Banking,Payment Types,Credit Scores,Higher Education,Renting vs Owning, Insurance/Taxes and Consumer Protection. I considered myself knowledgeable in these areas, well at least I thought so. Everfi is a wonderful tool and anyone can learn from it.
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Re: Financial Literacy

Residency in Spain: buying bonds

Investment in local company: From 1 000 000 EUR
Applicant's mothly income: From 2 130 EUR
Application state fees: 1 000 EUR
Length of the process: 1 - 3 months
Visa-free travel: European Union
For the past few years Spain is considered to be one of the EU countries having a greater number of foreigners interested in living and investing in it. In 2013 Spanish government proposed the Law on Entrepreneurs for foreigners, according to which, foreigners can take an advantage of the Spanish migration program for investors and receive a long stay visa by applying for temporary residence permit (TRP) at the Spanish Consulate in the country of origin or residence.