3 posts
I am a substitute teacher working at the middle & high school levels for one local school district and also serve as a special education associate for another. I do not have a classroom or even a roster of students to call "my own", but I am constantly reminded of what might be identified as "financial illiteracy" among the students I have had the honor to work with. In more cases than not, I am reminded that most K-12 students have no sense about the true value of goods, services or the costs related to any kind of enterprise. Unfortunately, some students are given items like computers, phones and/or even automobiles without knowledge of additional related costs that in most cases are necessary, if not required. (Fees, subscriptions, insurance, etc.) Such occurrences instill unrealistic expectations about financial possibilities but also promote delusion about financial responsibilities.
The most tangible efforts I've seen have been in the special education environments, where students are taught simple tasks liked paying for selected items or making change w/ play money. In the higher grades, students are routinely taken to local businesses and participate in the purchase of specific items on a grocery list. The added value to these exercises is that one can piggyback independent living lessons and introduce valuable life skills into the mix. Aside from those structured activities, I personally try to instill information about not only the true cost but also related costs that accompany almost anything worth striving for.