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Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Robert Driscol
6 posts
I am a K-6 School Counselor in which I do individual counseling, small group counseling, and teach K-6 guidance/health classes.  As a part of our curriculum and meeting the 21st Century Skills, financial literacy is taught to the upper grades and trained Junior Achievement volunteers address the lower grades.   We are always looking for more information and ways to teach financial literacy to our students and I hope this course will provide this.

In the careers unit I teach, we cover salaries and I try to emphasize the aspect that it is not how much money a person makes, it is how much we choose to spend.  We spend time discussing needs vs. wants, expenses the average household is responsible to pay, and how much those expenses are.   As I do an activity to share with the students how much things actually cost per month, I am amazed that they really do not have any idea the cost of items their parents are paying each month.

I hope ideas through this course will supplement activities I already do and/or give me additional information to cover.