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Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Kadrian Hardersen
As a coach and not a classroom teacher, financial literacy and it's ramifications seem difficult to use. However as a former  classroom teacher, I fully understand the dire need of this subject to be taught to our youth. As a father and husband, I fully realize the importance of this subject to my life and wish I would have had a course like this when I was in high school. As I think about it's importance, I think there are ways I could put it into use in a football context. We have weekly meetings, usually focused on becoming better people with better character. We focus on how to be better men, better sons, better future husbands and fathers. What better way that by teaching them to be men who have their house in order, so to speak. Now how do I use that context to insert financial literacy? That I don't yet know....

Kadrian Hardersen