Flow of Matter and Energy

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Flow of Matter and Energy

Teacher 3
After taking the assessment, I feel a little bit better that the last one. I feel the visuals throughout this assessment helped me connect to prior knowledge and remember different pieces of information that I have learned throughout my years in school and classroom. There were still some questions I struggled to find the exact answer on, but with the visuals and graphs, I found it easier to eliminate answers that I know were for sure out. It is much easier to make an educated guess with 2 questions as possibilities compared to 4. With this skill of flow and energy, I believe it shows how valuable visuals are for students to try and make sense of all aspects and how they are connected to each other. The flow of the energy is easier to grasp and understand when there are visuals to help students go from one thing to another.
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Re: Flow of Matter and Energy

In reply to this post by Teacher 3
you are awesome.   kadashika