Forum 2 Anna Denniston

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Forum 2 Anna Denniston

After reading all three of the articles my head space is different. I am a huge fan of art and I love crafting and finding ways to make it meaningful in the classroom is what I strive to do as a teacher but sometimes it is hard. We are lucky to have an art teacher in our building who we see once a week and the kiddos love it! I remember growing up and always being excited to have a chance to work on items that were not work sheets. In my classroom now we work on monthly activities that tie into the seasons. Reading the Exploring article I thought it be interesting that they shared art as an SEL movement. It is definitely therapeutic and missing form within the room. I use art for differentiation when if the student struggles with writing and spelling they are able to draw a picture to show their thinking. Also with writing prompts the students are able to draw a picture after they practice their writing to give more detail. We have a class song we sing every time our guided reading rotations are finished and its time to clean up. I give them every chance that to draw or decorate something of their own for instance our reading binders cover because of COVID. I also like the point they brought up about how with in art you can speak about math while removing or subtracting clay from a creation or adding something on when creating a building.
With the Integrating article or the second one, I enjoyed reading about how they spoke on math within art about teaching different types of angles or with the leaf experiment about realistic and abstract art. I still am confused on that much integration or that in depth because I still struggle to find enough time in the day to teach everything so thinking about adding more to a lesson and taking more time on it is something that I am interested in learning more about on how they execute the lessons.
The third article I believe it to be interesting that learning was more enjoyable for the students because art was being used more! Students took more responsibility and I think that is interesting because I have also noticed with a fall craft we are doing in math, the students finished the work fast but correctly. They were motivated and so learning from that, next month I have planned a craft each day for certain subjects!