Forum #2 Ashley Gremore

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Forum #2 Ashley Gremore

After reading the three articles it is clear of a similar theme, that arts programs that are integrated with core content in the schools lead to more academic achievement and successful outcomes. Arts programs are being cut from public school systems and this problem needs to be addressed, because art in the schools leads to more creative expression, student voice, and encompasses so many students differing abilities, interests, and aids in their learning outcomes. It doesn't matter that art is not included on standardized tests as a measure. There is no single testing method that works for every student and the arts can be integrated into every single core subject to make the learning process more fun, enjoyable, and therefore more impactful and meaningful.

As a teacher, I plan to integrate the arts into my curriculum of teaching and learning, as I believe it is helpful for not only gaining rapport with students, having a fun learning environment, but also because students are able to channel their artistic abilities into their day to day school activities. I plan to use kinesthetic learning with music and movement and not limit my teaching to visual and auditory learners.Students will be engaged in craft and art activities to learn letters, numbers, and basic writing. My students will use role-play activities to learn how to be a good friend, share, and use kind words. Students can learn from each other when they are engaging in activities that require teamwork, problem solving, and the use of their creative minds. Students can be so creative, if they are just given an outlet and allowed to express themselves.