Forum 2 - Heatwole

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Forum 2 - Heatwole

My biggest take-away of the three articles was that art is beneficial for children in many ways. Art supports individual expression, creativity, promotes confidence, independence and improves social attitude. Children learn in a variety of ways, art makes connections and engages the learner which fosters deeper understanding and promotes intrinsic motivation. Kids want to have fun when they are learning, their view of what they are doing changes with how the material is presented and practiced. If the task is boring, hard or scary they will shut down and not even try to accomplish the goal. Art is performance based and teaches kids how to make judgements, this builds trust in themselves to be able to tackle difficult situations and school work.

I am a elementary physical education teacher which is almost everyones favorite "special". It is their favorite because they get to play, move and explore using their mind and body.  They are learning to balance, move in space, solve problems, work with others and learn by doing and exploring. If you are a healthy individual you will be able to learn better, just as a student who gets to be creative and express themselves in art will be. Students in art and PE learn cross-curricular disciplines often without even knowing it. Students use math, reading and science aspects in both subjects, this connection can transfer to different parts of a child's learning.