Forum #2: Jill Fredrickson

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Forum #2: Jill Fredrickson

The Exploring the Benefits of Art In Elementary Classrooms made an argument as to why the NCLB has worsened education in the US. Evidence to support the claim talked about Napa Valley schools not making the mark in NCLB despite being an award winning arts and performance school simply because of the requirement to test all students even those whose first language is not English and had no time to prepare. The NCLB downgrading the education experience is a narrative I have seen a lot. I and almost every teacher I have talked to agree with the statements, but other than a few branching out charter and public schools that focus on art, I don't see any major effort to change the system.

How Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive  illustrated the current trend in parents' desire to have their children taught practical skills that will lead to a stable job. Arts are not set in high regard as skills such as computer coding and engineering. The article is a few years old. I question how the art world and arts education has and will change now due to Ai generated images and videos. Will art be reduced in esteem even more due to this new technology? It feels like a stable career in art has become even more elusive.
How Arts Integration Supports Student Learning: Students Shed Light on the Connections was a study comparing arts and performance integrated lessons to traditional book and worksheet lessons. The study contained student feedback on how the lesson went for them and if they would like to study further on the subject on their own. The feedback and results were mixed, but there was a clear difference between if a student wanted to study further after an art integrated lesson or a book lesson. The art integrated lessons seemed to entice students more into following up on the subject with more research. I thought that one of the subjects taught (Mexican American War) could be a difficult subject matter to teach to a Middle school age group. Anything on war is controversial to teach. I imagine the textbook was watered down to not show the true brutality of war which can suck out anything that might be emotional(thus interesting to these students) about it. The acting out method is common in many subjects and lessons. People are naturally drawn to stories. I feel like the study was only scratching the surface. I think there should be more studies on this except have it in a less mature subject matter.