Forum 2 Post

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Forum 2 Post

Aimee Flynn
After reading the three articles it is quite apparent that the Arts have a profound influence on a child's cognitive development, which leads a child towards more success academically as well.  I particularly enjoyed the lesson for students learning Geometry by investigating Russain artist, Wassily Kandinsky.  These types of lessons bring learning to life in my opinion and help children value what they are learning.  These types of lessons develop critical and analytical thinking skills more effectively than simply doing a worksheet about geometry.
I try to incorporate lessons like these into my math curriculum now but I would love to do more.  I also play classical music most of the time as students work on lessons or in my study halls.  I always ask students at the beginning of the year if the music is a distraction or if they would like me to play it and they always choose to have the music playing.  
As these articles made clear, arcane be a starting point building relationships with students and parents as well because art crosses over cultural and economical barriers.