Forum 2

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Forum 2

Miranda Davidson
My take-away after reading "Exploring the Benefits of Art in Elementary Education" by Ashley Flory was how important art is in the classroom. All students learn in many different ways and often times we see art being left out of the learning process in classrooms. This serves a disadvantage to those students who have artistic learning abilities. I teach kindergarten and in my classroom, we draw or create something with almost every learning activity we do. Drawing is a process that comes before writing does, so before my students can express themselves with words, they express themselves through art and by drawing or creating their answers.

My take-away after reading "How Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive" by Katrina Schwartz was how a struggling school completely turned around simply by including arts into its everyday curriculum. A once mostly poverty stricken school is now only about half comprised of poverty due to the successes the arts program has made in the school. Other parents are seeing the benefits of this program and want their children to also be a part of this.

My take-away after reading "How Arts Integration Supports Student Learning: Students Shed Light on the Connections" by Karen DeMoss and Terry Morris was different schools implementing an art study that did not previously incorporate art into their learning. They studied the students before integrating the program and then again after. The results are proof that by simply incorporating art into your lessons, you reach students on a different learning level than any other learning type does.
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Re: Forum 2

Merydith Marshall

I too thought that the results in article 3 showed how important it was to incorporate art into curriculum. The results were very eye opening to me. The fact that there was around a 70% difference between the art units and non-art units was crazy. This showed me how important it is to find different ways to incorporate art and differentiate instruction for my students.