Forum 2

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Forum 2

Ann McCall
In the article “Exploring the Benefits of Art in Elementary Education” by Ashley Flory, my biggest take-aways is that art can be used to enhance learning because it is a gateway to all other learning and can bridge multiple subjects and stimulate multiple intelligences. Younger children are more apt to enjoy art and are not resistant to being exposed to art. Art can provide a healthy outlet from traditional teaching methods. Art helps children verbalize ideas and express themselves.

In the second article “How Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive” by Katrina Schwartz my biggest take away is that arts integration may be the best form of differentiation because it taps into so many different interests and abilities. Studies show exposure to arts can help academics. Exposure to the arts not only boosts academic achievement, but also promotes creativity, self-confidence, and school pride. When kids learn through art they develop a deeper understanding of all subjects.

In the third article “How Arts Integration Supports Student Learning: Students Shed Light on the Connections” by Karen DeMoss and Terry Morris my biggest take away is that when students are exposed to an arts integrated curriculum they develop a deeper understanding of the importance of the subject matter. They are able to make connections between the subject matter and society, or make personal connections to their own lives. Students are able to make deeper and more personal connections to curriculum when arts are integrated. They also show more interest in learning the curriculum when arts are integrated.

The connections I make to my own classroom is understanding the importance of art integration on student learning and incorporating art into all subjects. I can integrate art into many lessons. For example, having students create visual art pieces, having them sing and dance, going to see a play that is connected to the curriculum, have students write a song about certain lesson concepts, and using music and dance as a writing prompt. These are just some examples of how I can integrate art into my classroom.