Forum 2

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Forum 2

Sydney Paustian
There are many great things I took away from these Articles. I teach kindergarten and try and incorporate some type of Art throughout our day because I know how important it is. I liked in the first article when they said "art activities can serve as a bridge to understanding for students and act as therapy for those students with emotional issues." I can relate to this because I have had students in the past who were involved in Art therapy from a therapist for Behavior and it helped them tremendously.It is a way to express their feelings without necessarily talking or using words. My school still has funding for art so my students go to Art class once a week and they love it and are always so excited to show me what they have learned or created.
In the 3rd article I liked when they said, "The arts contribute to analytically deeper, experientially broader, and psychologically more rewarding learning."
All of these articles show how important incorporating Art in the classroom is and that Art is not extra, it is integral.