Forum 2

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Forum 2

These articles justify the importance of art in education and in life. I have been a Kindergarten teacher for several years now and at the beginning of the school year, students first learn to read by looking at the illustrations/pictures in a book. As they journal, we have them first draw a picture to help them formulate a sentence. Art helps children develop as individual thinkers. Most students enjoy the hands-on approach of learning and with and through art we can achieve it. Yes, it takes more time to prepare and money to provide but the outcome is worth it. I understand the difficulty of incorporating into the middle and high school aged student’s, but it is such a crucial element of life. Art is a part of culture.

Standardized tests have created a one-dimensional sense of thinking and memorization. It has not increased our society’s creative confidence. Incorporating art through theater, visual arts, dance, and music will build individualism, confidence, communication, and expand our connections with people. Ultimately, the integration of art in education and in life promotes positive academic and individual achievement. It is essential!