Forum #3 - Allison Mastroddi

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Forum #3 - Allison Mastroddi

What speaks to you?
I found it interesting there is a difference between art integration and art enhancement. I had always put the two in the same category. Ensuring that both curricular areas have specific standards met adds to the validity of both subjects.  
Does it give you any ideas?
I would like to get full lists of all standards for all areas to see where I am already integrating specific standards and how I can integrate more.
How do you integrate art into your current curriculum?
Math and science tend to be easier to integrate into art projects, using fractions, symmetry, color mixing and general experimentation with art materials.
Other reactions?
I found the 5 stages of visual thinking very interesting. I need to remember that children want to make sense of what they see and to utilize their critical thinking and observational skills. Getting kids to talk about art and what they see is just as important as telling and teaching them about it.