Forum #3 Assignment 5 Jill Fredrickson

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Forum #3 Assignment 5 Jill Fredrickson

There was reassurance that integrated arts does not remove the arts program. Having a strong art program is required as a foundation for art integrated education. The ideas I got from the reading and videos were to utilize a child’s ability to look and make observations. It reminded me that I should give more opportunities to allow students to look at a picture and share what they see as part of a class discussion. For example, we did a lot of space studies this week. It would have benefited the class to just take the time to look at some of NASA’s incredible photographs and allow students to describe what they see. I am taking a hiatus from FT Art teaching. I am currently substitute teaching. What I do currently and have control over is minimal. I draw with students during brain breaks sometimes and during indoor recess. I do enjoy substitute teaching art integrated into other subjects. Final thoughts were that I found this to be a good take on using arts in the classroom.