discuss the implications and use in your classroom of implementing and using VTS. Add at least one website link, with a brief description about it, that demonstrates a way to use VTS in a classroom. Respond to 2 other participants
Ways to implement VTS is by doing museum walks with any type of work. I have practiced this during my practicum time and the students loved it! They shared their artwork while walking around the classroom having discussions about what they like and what they have questions on. I have also noticed this with other classrooms in my building where they post their art outside in the hallway so when we are walking by my students always make comments on them. I believe giving the students that ability to discuss different types of art and how others think is important. When my students share their work, I always give the chance to share what they loved about It, whether it be an actual art piece or sharing a project. A website I found for VTS is
http://education584.blogspot.com/2013/02/five-card-flickr-stories.htmlThis article talks about using photos and having students verbally share their stories based off of those pictures! I love this idea and really think I can tie it into a math lesson for creating word problems, science about predicition making.