Forum Post 1: Art Concepts and Terminology- Stacey Bunting

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Forum Post 1: Art Concepts and Terminology- Stacey Bunting
What was new learning for you?
The term 'Analogous colors,' the group of three colors together on the color wheel, was new to me.

What was a review?
I have taken many art and ceramic classes in high school which was many years ago, so going through the lessons brought back a ton of information that I knew, but now remember.

How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?
I am face to face with my students this year, and with having to wear masks and having shields up 24/7 it is not as active as the classroom used to be. I want to bring in more art activities for the kids to do to help keep them engaged.
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Re: Forum Post 1: Art Concepts and Terminology- Stacey Bunting

I too have taken several art classes and felt much of the section was review. It is good to refresh our memories and reflect on where we ourselves have constructed knowledge about many of the terms in order to recognize our students need for the same kinds of experiences.