Forum Post 1: Art Concepts and Terminology

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Forum Post 1: Art Concepts and Terminology

What was new learning for you?
-A lot of the words on the art terminology document were words that I have never heard of before! I found it interesting to read all of the terms that others had added to the list. One of the things I learned was Cubism. This was a kind of art that was invented by Picasso. His goal with Cubism was to show all of the viewpoints in one piece of art.

What was a review?
-Some of the basic art terms such as primary colors, secondary colors, and others were a review for me. It was still good to review through these terms and get them fresh in my mind.

How can I apply these concepts to a content area that you currently teach?
-I can apply many of these concepts in my classroom! As a Kindergarten teacher the possibilities of art in the classroom are endless! While I think that allowing students the opportunity to explore art mediums on their own is important, I can also think of so many ways I could guide their learning. One of the first lessons that pops into my head is allowing the students to experiment with mixing primary colors to see what new colors they could make!